Sporting director of Bayern Munich settle future Jotzh

Matthias Sammer sports director of the German team Bayern Munich football Jotzh said that Mario will remain with the team despite the fact that Juventus wanted to sign him.
And it was associated with significantly Jotzh club Juventus to move to name their squad, especially since it is believed that the player is satisfied with Josep Guardiola coach Bayern Munich.

The newspaper "La Gazzetta dello Sport," Samer Italian saying: "Everything that is said about Mario is currently gossip from abroad."

"There will be no impact on the sports side .. Fmario his remaining two years on his contract with us."

"You must not forget that it is still a young player .. Our team has great qualities .. so it is natural for any player to be thinking of leaving."

"But I expect him to skip this matter and shows his desire to reserve an essential place for him .. He wants it."