POLAND TOUR Jon Izaguirre has finally found the way to the top step

POLAND TOUR - Second last two editions of the Tour of Poland, Jon Izaguirre has finally won the race Saturday. Thanks to his consistency.
The Spaniard Jon Izaguirre (Movistar), second in 2013 and 2014 Tour of Poland, was finally rewarded for his perseverance: he won the 2015 edition on Saturday without, however, never completed the first five places of the seven steps . Izaguirre was sixth before the final against the clock (25 km in the streets of Krakow) won Saturday by the Polish Marcin Bialoblocki in 28 min 45 sec. But the Spaniard, 7th at 1'24 sec behind the winner, was able to limit the damage to ultimately take it with two seconds ahead of Belgian Bart De Clercq, winner of the 5th stage but only 12th on Saturday in 1 min 30 the winner. Izaguirre has also benefited from lower performance climbers. The Colombian Sergio Henao (Sky), who won Friday's mountain stage and the leader before the final stage, has yielded 2'32 to finish eighth in the overall standings, 54 seconds behind the winner. The same goes for Italian Diego Ulissi, 2nd with the same time as Henao at the start of the final against the clock: the 30th at 1'57 solo effort, which allowed him to finish the sixth overall (19 seconds behind).